Welcome to the cabin. And welcome to the mind of the creature that resides within.
I am a short, decently awkward, but very amusing human that resides in what I call my "murder building" despite the lack of murders. There have been many suicides, fires, and drug dealers here though, so locals usually know the place I'm referring to. I am constantly working at drug stores, despite being afraid of people-interaction, due to a very tempting thirty percent off of items I'd prefer not to pay full price for. I have always seen and thought things differently than most (it has been said by many a people, many a time) and it has allowed for both a unique take on life but also a struggle with fitting into said life. Cabin Creature is actually a place where I believe my weird brain has an advantage. Writing has always been an enjoyment and, according to many, I have a knack for it. Ironically it is something that I have constantly neglected. Instead, I wander throughout life observing but never speaking. I decided that too long I have put off something I find happiness in and want to share with my fellow humans the inner workings of what makes our kind so unusual and fascinating. With that said, there are many other aspects of my existence that I fancy. A forest is one of those. anywhere with an abundance of trees is a place I want to dwell in. I have become determined to make my dreams of living in a cabin surrounded by woods a possibility. Reading, drawing, archery, and dance are also a part of my being, though some, like writing, I have put at the back of the shelf. Nevertheless, they are what make me feel fulfilled and genuinely happy. Beasties as well are a concept where my heart lies, but I cannot currently have pets in my murder building so I must wait. Though one day I do plan on acquiring at least one Maine Coon cat whose name I have yet to come up with and an Utonagan dog whom I shall call Curtis. |